Inside Story Of How A Police Officer Was Tortured And Slaughtered To Death Infront Of His Own Children

The nation was led to believe that Erastus Kirui Chemorei was on the police most wanted list when news of his murder made headlines few years ago.The police made considerable efforts to disseminate false information to the public, claiming that he was the mastermind behind several murders and robberies in Kitale.
Chemorei was an officer in the General Service Unit.The public was not informed that Chemorei was holding the store key at the time of his death, which was responsible for the Sh6.4 billion cocaine haul that the police had found hidden away in a private Malindi mansion. Top security circles were aware of this knowledge.
People became alert to the fact that he had been given the shop’s keys and began searching for him.His family said that while he was a young officer in the GSU, he often seemed anxious, but he had no one to talk to about it.
In a subsequent interview, one of his neighbours would assert that Mr. Chemorei had told him that he was being pursued by a gang that wanted him dead.Due to the directive being issued from above by GSU Commandant Lawrence Mwadime and Police Commissioner Matthew Iteere at the time, everyone knew that Chemorei held the key.
As per the journalist who conducts investigations. The Chemoreis, however, continued to draw the attention of the police. On December 25, 2005, six neighbours of the Chemorei family were shot and killed, and the family reappeared to terrorise Judith after killing their breadwinner.In broad daylight on February 19, 2005, Chemorei was assassinated by police in his Kitale house.
The disappearance of the biggest cocaine shipment ever captured in the nation is connected to the unsolved murder. According to insiders, Chemorei was picked because he was a man of integrity and honesty who was also skilled at maintaining secrets. People started hunting him as soon as he took up the role of caretaker of this heavily secured location, and this is what ultimately caused his death.
Many Kenyans demanded justice for the Kirui family after the story by current member of Parliament and former KTN journalist Mohammed Ali was televised. In front of his children, Erastus Kirui Chemorei was publicly shot and killed by his fellow police officers.
Lilian Kiambaa, the lead investigator at the time, stated that rather than being shot dead, the six unarmed Chemorei people should have been apprehended.If she had known who fired the deadly shots, she claimed she would have wanted to press charges.Former Kisii Chief Magistrate Onginjo was adamant in her decision to shoot the deceased.
She cited a number of theories, the most common of which was echoed by nearly all of the police officers who gave testimony: that he tried to flee.However, none of them not even the ones tasked with watching after him admitted to yelling that he was fleeing. There were disparities in the number of police officers assigned to the operation, according to the magistrate.
Additionally testifying were the DCIO, Julius Ole Sunkuli, and the then-Kitabale OCPD, Augustine Kimanteria.Two prominent Armenian brothers, Arthur Margaryan and Arthur Sargasyan, were identified as members of a drug syndicate involved in drug trafficking and other illicit activities in a long-ago Mohammed Ali drug exposé.
Adjutant Mr. Chemorei of the GSU training school was killed as a result of these unlawful operations. Many Kenyans trusted the news that Mr. Chemorei had been brutally murdered and had been added to Kenya’s most wanted criminal list.The events that culminated in his death began that morning when six police officers showed up at his Kitale residence.
His whole family was home when a brigade of police cars pulled up. Chemorei’s son Elijah was also present and saw it all firsthand. We’ve been told to sit down, and they’ve been told to keep quiet.
The son, who witnessed the entire incident, claimed that the father looked confused and asked the police why they had come to his house instead of calling him to the station. According to the police, they had a warrant that gave them permission to search the entire house.Elijah, his son, had been dutifully watching everything as it happened until he confessed to the police that he had heard one cop ask his father for some keys he had never seen before.
Since the man had chosen to keep the keys a secret from his loved ones, nobody there knew the reason behind them.Questioning Mr. Chemorei, he was seated on the ground and surrounded by police officers. Officers discussed whether or not to put the son to death after he saw what was happening.It dawned on them that their father was unlikely to survive after they heard gunfire.
According to later reports, he was either planning to shoot the police officers or had a pistol in his illegal possession.Years after Erastus Kirui Chemorei’s horrifying death, it is clear that his family would never see justice served.Chemorei’s family filed a petition y at the High Court requesting damages for the infringement of his rights.
The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, by then Abubakar Ndeima, Chemorei’s widow Judith Chesoi, her son Elijah Chemorei, and daughter Sarah Chemorei all filed the petition.