Was Eddy Kenzo The First Man To Chew Minister Nyamutoro? Nyamutoro’s Father Reveals Hidden Secrets About Her Past Relationship Life , What Happened In The Past

Minister of State for Mineral Development Hon Phiona Nyamutoro lived a pious life as a young girl, despite being bossy and instructive to her siblings.
Phiona Nyamutoro’s parents revealed details about her pious and assertive childhood in an interview. This and more information about the youthful minister’s childhood has been shared by her parents in an interview on Wednesday.
Patrick Apecu, her father revealed that the minister lived a decent life and that Eddy Kenzo, was her first boyfriend.
“Phiona had never introduced anybody to me as a boyfriend. The day she told me she had a boyfriend I knew she was serious,” Epecu recounted.
“Even then, he still kept it secret until last year when she brought him to us… When she told me, I believed her because I know she is a serious girl. ”
Last weekend, Nyamutoro officially introduced her fiancé Kenzo to her family and a lavish ceremony held at their home in Buziga.
The singer and President of the Uganda National Musicians Federation said at the event that soon they would be travelling to the minister’s country home in Nebbi for the giveaway.
Mr Aperu also said he had no say in his daughter’s choice of a husband.
“A child grows up to make decisions and as parents, you cannot decide who your daughter should marry,” he said.
“They meet friends out there and how they meet them is none of our business. Our business is to receive the report that she brings home.”
Mr Eperu also described her daughter as having been very assertive throughout her childhood.As a young girl, he said, Nyamutoro was never shy to correct people when they made mistakes, even as simple as bad English.
“She was always the leader in everything even though she grew up surrounded by boys.”
Caroline Apecu, Nyamutoro’s mother said the minister had brought dignity in their home and that they were proud of her.
“We thank God as parents because we feel respected among others We thank her for getting us here”