Is Music Producer Didi Really Dead? Did He Commit Suicide? Shocking Details Emerge On His Life And How He Contacted HIV

Music producer Didi has dispelled death rumors saying he is doing so well and trying to get back to his feet. This happened after different blogs alleged he had died via social media platforms.
These blogs went further to claim committed suicide.Producer Didi used to be very famous and during that time, he enjoyed his life to the fullest. However, he made some choices that in the end left him struggling for his dear life.
After several months and even years of being sick, Didi came out in the media and told his fans that he was diagnosed with HIV. He said he previously didn’t know until his doctors advised him to go for checkups.
He had different artists supporting him emotionally and the others financially.According to Didi, he hasn’t gotten to the point of taking his own life. He said that his family and friends got him a nice place with workers and doctors just to get bed rest.
He said he has everything he needs. The singer also hopes he is going to gain weight and be back to his life working and making money like he used to do some time back.
“I am okay, I am on bed rest and I hope I am going to do much better. Those announcing me to be dead should know that I am well my time hasn’t come. I know life is going to be better and I will be back to working and making money like I used to do,” he said.
Veteran producer Didi recently opened up about how he got infected with HIV. The producer this week opened up that he was diagnosed with HIV after a medical checkup. Apparently, several questions have since been up in the air.
Recently , the producer has decided to address some of them.He said that by the time of this revelation, he wasn’t dating anyone. Therefore, he doesn’t think anybody was affected by his revelation.
Besides, he’s not that much of a party animal as he’s always confined to the studio. It was however a relationship that lacked trust between him and his partner that could have led to his infection.
Didi added that he decided to come out because keeping quiet only leads to more stress. But opening up helps to relieve this stress by being honest with oneself and the rest.On top of that, he has been hearing a lot of youths downplaying HIV/AIDS.
His coming out therefore will also help in the sensitization about the existence of the disease which some think doesn’t exist anymore.Additionally, Didi said that he’s going to take some time off his work and rest.
“I know people are asking themselves a lot of questions such as the people I have been with being affected. But I haven’t been with anyone. I’m not that type of a party animal or bar frequenter. However, if you have a partner with whom you have trust issues; they can mess up and end up infecting you too. My coming out is to be honest with myself and help in the sensitization of HIV/AIDS. I have seen a lot of youths saying that the disease no longer exists.”
Furthermore, the producer said that many people including those in the entertainment industry have shown him incredible support. Besides, he’s going to collaborate on a song with different musicians and producers to increase HIV/AIDS awareness.