“I Don’t Kill My Opponents, That’s Why I Disciplined Bobi Wine In Arua” Museveni

President Museveni has opened up about the practice of killing his opponents which he says is not good and a sign of cowardice which his NRM government can never do. According to president Museveni, by killing his opponent it means that their argument is very strong and has no answers to it.
Many governments world over eliminate their opponents if they’re bringing a lot of pressure on them and find it prudent to assassinate them. In Russia for example, opposing Vladimir Putin is itself a risky deal that any one can never take. Many of his opponents have either perished in plane crashes or poisoned.
The same practice is done in many African countries where opponents are killed by mercenaries hired by the regimes though no one will ever come out from government to take responsibility. Most prominent dictators do this so much to enforce their grip to power peacefully without any credible or serious opposition.The common practice is poisoning, stage managed car accidents, plane crashes which in turn end the lives of the opponents.
In Tanzania, opposition kingpin Tundu Lisu survived assassination when he was shot 38 times and he says his only crime was opposing the then Tanzanian president John Pombe Magufuri. He has gone through several operations and surgeries but still walks with a bullet lodged in his spine.
“I don’t believe in assassinations of opponents, that some body is against me that i should kill him, by killing him it means that his argument is so powerful that i have no answer to it and therefore the only answer is to kill him but the NRM is absolutely sure, that whatever we do is absolutely correct”-says Museveni.
Museveni says for the entire time he has fought for freedom, his NRM is very clean and has never killed any one because of opposing it for the last 60 years and what they do, they only change their position if it’s not right to argue out their opponents.
“In all these almost 60 years when we were part of the student movement in the 1960s when we were fighting the regime of Amin, fighting UPC all these years after that we are sure that we are right position and if not we change our position and say no, we didn’t understand this now we understand it better”-Museveni says.
He further notes that that killing your opponent creates permanent enmity and the people who support that opponent which can easily drag the country in un-necessary wars,“And when i was at Kololo i explained that by killing your opponents, first of all you create permanent enmity between you and the people who support, or his family or his relatives, how will you reconcile with them”-Museveni further says.
For his almost four decade rule in Uganda, what Museveni has done to his Opponents is torturing them, beating them or arresting them,, some times even placing them under house arrests. He has done this to Besigye and Bobi Wine several times in what his security men refer to as preventive arrest.Since the 2021 general elections, Museveni’s government has been accused of picking opposition supporters in the famous drones something orchestrated by his men in uniform.
Some of these abducted supporters returned while some have never returned two years later and their relatives continue demanding for them.In 2011, Besigye nearly lost his sight during the Walk to work protests when a one Herbert Arinaitwe sprayed a liquid in his eyes, had he not been rushed to Nairobi, he would be a blind man now.
In 2018, during the Arua fracas which left Bobi Wine’s driver Yasin Kawuma dead, Museveni wondered how Bobi Wine complained that he was tortured and beaten while under military custody but he realized his boys had beaten him properly.
“The other day there was a fracas in West Nile where our young friend Bobi wine tried to fight with security people, I think they beat him a bit and then they came to me and said an MP was beaten, I said okay, let me study how he was beaten, when I studied, I found the man had been beaten properly in the right way”- Museveni said while passing out over 4000 police trainees in Kabalye, Masindi District.
When Bobi Wine was arrested in Luuka while on his campaign trail in November 2020, protests broke up major towns in Uganda. To curb the protests, security opened fire to people including those who were not protesting and over 50 according to police were killed.In his address while reacting to the protests, President Museveni said his government will compensate those who were killed innocently and were not protesters but won’t compensate those killed while protesting, it’s coming to four years those killed innocently, their families have never got justice nor the compensation that the president promised.