“I Have President Museveni’s Support” Speaker Anita Among Reveals Amidst Her Bitter War With Vice President Alupo, Kadaga And Tayebwa

Speaker of Parliament Ms Anita Among Saturday said she had heeded calls from her voters in Bukedea District in eastern Uganda and stated that she would contest again in the 2026 general election.
In her address made at Apopong Primary School in Kolir, Bukedea District Ms Among re-echoed her defense against those said to have unleashed an attack on her and on the 11th Parliament she presides over reasoning that it was due to her stance homosexuality.
“By the grace of God, those who think they are going to continue fighting us will be put to shame. And I am not going to come down on the issues of Homosexuality. I will continue condemning them.” She says
The Bukedea Woman MP also affirmed that as long as she has the backing of her constituent members , she would not be cowed and neither would she exit parliament.
“Those people who say I should resign, did they put me as the Member of Parliament? My voters are here. And my President who supported me is supporting Me. I Want to ask you people of Bukedea to pray for our President, Pray for our country.” She Added
Meanwhile, President Museveni and his Central Executive Committee, have at a high-level meeting of the top organ of the ruling National Resistance Movement, resolved to discuss a litany of corruption allegations against Parliament headed by Speaker Anita Annet Among.
“Parliamentary business is set to constitute part of the major agenda of the next CEC meeting,” a top official who sits at the high table of the ruling NRM politics told UG Standard on the weekend.
“In the very last meeting, the controversy of visitors in CEC was discussed. The visitors in this case are The Vice President, Speaker of Parliament, and Prime Minister,” the official said, citing growing concern about the attendance of these senior government officials.
Without giving details, the official said a very senior member of the CEC has since taken up the matter of discussing parliamentary business in the next meeting and has the backing of other leaders.
“With the ongoing Exhibition against parliament, the concern is that the party must swing in to save face,” the official, a highly regarded public affairs commentator.
“CEC being the nominating body for the Speaker and Deputy, are convinced that without intervention, things may get worse. NRM has the lion’s share in parliament, many members have complained about how parliament is being run,” the official said.
“We are going to address these matters in the next meeting, the degeneration of Parliament is so visible and we can’t just keep quiet, one senior member said.
The CEC recently complained about the appointment of commissioners and designation of committee Chairs and their deputies.Abuse of public funds, Failing hospitals, Potholes in the streets of Kampala, the capital of Uganda, and plundering of cash for allowances among other issues feature in an online protest campaign that is rattling government officials and others in Uganda.