In a shocking development, a chief in Kampala has stirred a great deal of attention after purchasing a UGX 400...
In a bizarre yet fitting twist of fate, a notorious car thief in Kampala—widely regarded as one of the city’s most cunning criminals—was brought to justice...
In a shocking turn of events, a housemaid entrusted with the care of a young child has been exposed for abusing her employer’s son. The incident...
It was clear from the post that David Okello was having none of it, for his wife had tried relentlessly to apologize, but he wasn’t having...
In a bizarre and shocking turn of events, a Kampala doctor, who had been secretly pilfering government-provided medicine and selling it to patients, has reportedly been...
Mercy Nabirye, a 26-year-old woman, has shared the heartbreaking story of how she was tricked into spending a large sum of money under the false promise...
An attempt by thieves to rob a well-known restaurant located near the Entebbe Golf Course has been foiled in a rather unusual turn of events on...
In a strange turn of events that has left the people of Kampala both baffled and amazed, a notorious cattle thief who had been terrorizing local...
Property disputes are on the rise, leaving many individuals seeking unconventional solutions to reclaim their grabbed land or property. One such approach gaining attention is the...
In a bizarre incident that has left Kampala residents stunned, a notorious phone thief reportedly transformed into a cow after being cursed by victims who sought...