A shocking story from Makerere University (MUK) has caught the attention of many, as a female student has reportedly lost...
In an extraordinary twist at Uganda’s Owinyo Market, a notorious phone thief, once feared for his ruthless tactics, has been left humbled and blind after an...
In a shocking turn of events, a housemaid entrusted with the care of a young child has been exposed for abusing her employer’s son. The incident...
They say a strong woman fights for her marriage tooth and nail, and three months ago, I had to face that challenge when I discovered that...
A shocking and tragic story of betrayal and retribution has left a community in disbelief. A wealthy man, now notorious as the “Heartless Sugar Daddy,” is...
In a shocking turn of events, a high-ranking Ugandan politician, accused of embezzling 2 billion shillings of taxpayer money, was attacked by a swarm of bees....
Entebbe, a dramatic scene has unfolded on a Saturday morning. A well-known politician, embroiled in a long-standing court battle over a piece of land in Entebbe,...
A dramatic scene unfolded yesterday near the university in Mbarara, leaving everyone in shock. Three university students, notorious for eating at various canteens and walking away...
The use of Mugwenu Doctors, a traditional healing practice, to settle personal scores has sparked a heated debate about the ethics of relying on supernatural methods...
In an unbelievable turn of events, a prominent pastor from Kampala has reportedly transformed into a cow after being accused of embezzling church funds. This bizarre...