
Young fashion designer Ainomugisha Kevin famously known as Mr. A.K, referred to as the “creative rising star” herein has secured a spot in the lime light of Uganda`s fashion and creative sector as the next giant in the industry in few years to come.
The creative rising star is celebrated in the industry for his unique and innovative designs that have set him apart and ahead of common trends.
The most mesmerizing reason is that, Kevin is grabbing the
fashion industry by the horns alongside pursuing a legal profession at Uganda Christian University, Mukono campus.
Speaking to our editors, the creative rising star told us that being a lawyer cannot do away with his life-time dream of being a top fashion brand nor his talent of being a creative. He adds that he decided to go to Law school instead of fashion school because he believes that being a fashion designer is by nature not nurture.
Kevin had this to say;
“I don’t need to go to fashion school to learn how to be a designer, everything I need is in my head. Every minute I see something new, my mind immediately creates a better version of it. That`s enough
education for me. (gives a brief chuckle) Incidentally, doing law is also actually a lifetime dream because I remember as a very young boy, I was greatly inspired by the perpetual smartness of lawyers and I am one that loves to be dapper all the time.”
The creative rising star confirmed our preconceived notion that indeed, successfully pursuing both antagonistic careers is but to sail in difficult waters for example considering being a successful designer, may involve violation of the Advocates` Code of dressing. Kevin told us that the biggest challenge he faces is; people
taking him seriously as a lawyer and at the same time as a credible stylist (i.e who he is Vs what he does).
He adds that coming out and proudly referring to himself as a stylist, a tailor or designer amidst a society full of ever-serious lawyers and intellectuals, was yet another quandary.
Kevin however in spite of this, adds that nothing could ably stop his fashion reggae;
“The more it got harder, the more I stood stronger and re-affirmed myself as a “stylist lawyer”. I remember there is a day I
deliberately dressed in a shiny hot pink outfit; a color that even men who are not lawyers cannot put on. You can picture the aggregate of confidence I used to walk to my lecture room in hot pink. But well, fashion is confidence. I still recollect that even the lecturer couldn’t believe his eyes that day. He actually later gave me a sarcastic comment at the end of the lecture. (we all laugh our heads off at this)
Well, I was doing all that well knowing that one d-day they would get accustomed and appreciate my unusualness as a peculiar lawyer and as even, to plant a new genre of lawyers whose whole life is not centered only around law books. And yes, fortunately, they`ll yielded around my second semester of first year. Right now, even if I appeared in an outfit with wings in class, they would not be shocked. They all know that I am now quite a character. Just that of late, I no longer overdress within school because of the too much academic pressure and also considering the fact that I am now targeting the national market.”
“Yes obviously, (he continued) it wasn’t a bed of roses for me to become normalized. It was a strife that I won because of my confidence and steadfastness. I was judged, misinterpreted, discussed, the most daring would even mock me but wining that war was a question of giving a blind eye and deaf ear and focusing only on the prize. The most unique virtues that helped me in the fight were boldness and risking a lot; I am not faint at heart, as long as I set myself unto achieving something, only God can stop me.”
The young fashion designer continued to tell us that another challenge he faces is inadequate time to commit to fashion. He told our editors that at UCU, he studies from 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday and sometimes on Saturday. The lectures are a must-attend and the books, assignments, discussions, presentations name it, are very demanding. He therefore believes that after the degree, he
will have ample time to devote to creating new styles and growing the brand bigger.
The creative youngster also told us that finding a vibrant management team which aligns effortlessly with his big energy and dreams for fashion is yet another considerable challenge. He admitted that
single handedly, it is hard to push a brand beyond national borders. Consequently, he requires a
charismatic team with matching energy and creative minds to effectively and efficiently deliver. In his own noble words; “One need not be an exact replica of me but he or she can be uniquely creative or even be better than me; as long as the person has to their name the basics of being a fashion designer that identify with mine to perfection, then we can grow together.”
Keeping up with the talk, our editors asked the creative rising star whether fashion is actually a hobby, a talent, a skill or a business to him.
He answers that fashion is a passion, a talent, a skill and also a
business to him. He elucidates that it is a passion because since childhood he has always adored clothes, he would even tear them down to see how they are made and also would always style his family members and friends at school. Therefore, A.K fashion brand is a fulfilled dream.
As a business, he decided to start up A.K FASHION HOUSE Ug as a fashion business because the fabrics, materials and laces used
to make clothes are not for free, actually the good ones he prefers are very expensive. He therefore sells his work so as to get capital to buy the fabrics. Therefore, even without the money, he would still be a fashion designer and offer free styling services just like he does to his close friends even now. He adds that fashion is also his talent; “I don’t need foreign stock for me to be a great fashionista. All I need is my head and hands – as long as I still have them in position, I can create designs that can compete globally.
Say for instance, (God forbid) everything I have burns down like today, I can still start from zero and
catch up in a very short period of time because all I need is in my head not you tube, tiktok, Pinterest or other fashion inspirational boards.”
On asking him people he is grateful to, in the fashion industry, he names a one Karama Huzaifah; “He was the first person that believed in me. He saw my potential and gave me the time and space to learn and practice on my own and also, to push my own creativity. Forever indebted to him”
Coming to an end, Kevin advised the youths out there, not to do away with their natural talents and passions because they always come in handy and also, it’s never early to start executing your talent or passion.
He added that; “all the youths out there perplexed about how to balance books and other careers that come out of passion, can reach out to me for guidance. I personally apportion a fair amount of my time to fashion and styling but I have never had any retakes or very bad marks.”
He concluded the talk by telling us that 5 years from now, he sees himself as a globally firmly established fashion brand like Gucci, Louis Vuitton among others.
Get in touch with Ainomugisha Kevin (A.K) at;
•0771823324 -Call/ text
•6th April @kevin_j_a / AK Fashion House – Instagram
•Kevin B. Ainomugisha @A_K_6thApril – X (twitter)